Sunday, October 19, 2008

TheCorey's Thought #3 - Sunday Existentialism

If you blog and nobody reads it, does it still occupy bandwidth?

Monday, October 13, 2008

TheCorey's Thought #2 - My Star Wars Thought for Today

Greedo shot first. Accept it.

TheCorey's Thought #1 - What is Nebraska Learning?

I don't know if this will be my first and last blog or not. I don't even know how long blogging will remain relevant. I half expect to start this thing only to have my tech-savvy acquaintances inform how blogging is "so 15 seconds ago". I wonder how much these new means of communication actually communicate. Are we talking? Or is this only so much virtual, on-line white noise? It seems we have all of these great ways to talk; but how well do we listen? It seems we talk a lot, but say so very little. It feels as if we have sacrificed quality communication for a quantity of communication. I know the modern thinking is that all this 2.0 stuff is awesome because everyone has a voice and they all get to express themselves. Maybe that is what's going on. Or maybe we just have all sorts of new bells and whistles to confirm how few of us truly have anything to say. Kind of a downer way to kick of my first blogging experience. Maybe I have need to be somewhat contrarian about things in an effort to assert a modicum of individuality. Maybe I don't get it. Or maybe I will and I'll get a big kick out of this. Onward then.