Thursday, January 22, 2009

TheCorey's Thought #13 - Thing #13: Not aflutter over Twitter

So much time and so little blogging. The New Year may bring many changes, but some things remain the same: more work than time to do it. Which leads us to Thing # 13: Twitter.
I guess, at least for now, I'm one of those people who just doesn't "get" Twitter or its appeal. I recognize that many do and find it helpful. Good for them. To be honest, there are aspects to it that sort of remind me of the old style "chat rooms" of Internets past. I played around with it and just don't see where I would use it personally or professionally. I don't get how it's supposed to help filter out the white noise of the Internet, where, in my observation, it appears to be little more than white noise. Perhaps the day will come that I "get" Twitter and it becomes a part of my life. For now, I don't have the time to commit to it. Old fashioned work needs some old-fashioned doing. I know Lee LeFever on the CommonCraft site would likley boo my "old way" approach, but it's my way and it still works for the most part.

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