Thursday, January 29, 2009

TheCorey's Thought #21 - Thing #21: YouTube, ITube, TheyTube, WeTube...

Actually this Thing is a Thing I've Thung before (alert - crimes against grammar detected!). I don't know if there's a "proper" us of YouTube, but I use it: as something of a clumbsy, de facto music player. I don't buy as many as many CD's as I did in my younger days and I haven't been motivated enough or wanted my "own" music enough to buy an iPod or MP3 player and actually download music (though I may if CD's go the way of the 8-track). So, when I want to listen to a song, I pull it up on YouTube. The downside is that sometimes YouTube videos go away, but that's the price I'm willing to pay to have a clumbsy, ad-hoc "music on demand" system.

Anyway, I tried to actually have this cute little clip from YouTube in my blog, but I couldn't figure out how to get the Edit Html function to cooperate with the process. Here's the link to a short clip titled "Boba Fett vs. the Cairo Swordsman":

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